casa editrice la fiaccola

An innovative plant for the production of asphalt using recycled materialsThe Marini Master Tower was unveiled to the world at the ICR job-site in Cesena, Italy

On September 5th, the new Marini Master Tower, the last generation plant for the production of hot asphalt, first of its kind, using recycled materials, operating with low emissions and providing high energy savings, was unveiled to the world at the ICR job-site in Pievesestina (Cesena, Italy).

Together with the leaders of ICR (Impianti Cave Romagna) and Marini, attended the event the following distinguished guests: Prof. Cesare Sangiorgi of the the University of Bologna, the President of the Emilia-Romagna Region Stefano Bonaccini, the President of the Legislative Assembly of the Emilia-Romagna Region Emma Petitti, and the Mayor of Cesena Enzo Lattuca.


"Environmental sustainability, technological innovation and a considerable reduction in energy consumption are the reason why ICR built a cutting-edge plant in Pievesestina" stated Valerio Brighi, president of the Cooperativa Braccianti Riminese CBR, during his speech.

"In the field of road pavements, the re-use of existing materials and of the material coming from road infrastructures subjected to wear, the ability to produce mixes with reduced carbon emissions (CO2) and energy savings, are key essentials for those who want to produce asphalt that respects the environment ” said Eng. Luca Camprini, CEO of Marini S.p.A.

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