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Intertraffic webinar: "Connected road users need connected road networks"On 29 September: here above all the useful infos to live the event

(descrizione)Smart mobility is expected to undergo spectacular changes within the next two decades with the introduction and widespread use of connected and autonomous vehicle technology. However, the transition phase from human driving to self-driving will be gradual, requiring various interventions on the physical and digital road network to allow it to cope with mixed traffic. Connected road networks help secure and connect intelligent transportation systems, allowing vehicles, roadways, travellers, and traffic management centres to all communicate with one another in real time.

It allows for a smoother flow of traffic, reducing congestion and road safety and paves the way for a foundation upon which connected, autonomous vehicles can communicate with their surrounding envronment.

These will be the topics of the webinar "Connected road users need connected road networks", scheduled on Tuesday 29 September. It will run from 14:00-15:30 (UTC+2). Paul Hutton, Shayan Afshar of Navtech Radar, Martin Böhm of Austriatech and Paul Potters of Monotch will share their views on coping with mixed traffic and using smart technology to connect infrastructure, vehicles and road users.

Find more information about the webinar and the Intertraffic expert speakers at this link

#intertraffic #roadsafety #smartmobility #webinar
